Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen

Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen

Liselore Gisbertha Ilse Margaretha Gerritsen or more popular by the stage name Liselore Gerritsen was a Dutch singer and a writer. She was born on October 14, 1937, and just passed away last November 25, 2020, at the age of 83 in a nursing home in Woubrugge.

Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen
Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen

Her career started when she was a student in Leiden and played with the school band Leidsch Studenten Cabaret, a cabaret group that became popular in the Netherlands and also abroad from 1957 to 1960.

Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen
Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen

Together with several musicians, Gerritsen including Paul van Vliet, Ferd Hugas, Judith Bosc, and Rob van Kreeveld founded the theater named Theater Pepijn. It is a small 110-seat theater in the Hague that focuses on cabaret, stand-up comedy, and several performances.

Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen
Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen

After several years, the cabaret group PePijn decided to disband but the theater continued and made an important contribution to Dutch Cabaret. Gerritsen decided to choose a different path after some years and gave lectures from her own work.

Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen
Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen
Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen

There was no reliable information about Liselore Gerritsen Children if she had any children with her two marriages. She was married first to her bandmate Paul van Vliet who kept a good relationship with her even after their divorce. She was also married for 40 years to jazz bassist Ruud Jacobs.

Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen
Liselore Gerritsen Kinderen